We believe that the most beautiful wines are those that can be savored by all, transcending boundaries and creating lasting memories.

The Sealionne Crew

The brand was conceived by Ben and Piper with family while cruising through our happy place - perched in the cockpit of a 1925 SeaLyon wooden boat named The Herschel. While drinking wine and feeling the freedom of slicing through the water, we felt compelled to bring this sense of adventure to our wine making journey. Sealionne wines, rooted in our beautiful Ribbon Ridge Estate property in Newberg, Oregon, is a place for exploration. We make wines that we feel embody the freedom we experience while adventuring and traveling with those we love.

Experience Our Wines

Subscribe to one of our three clubs and get shipments of our award winning wine delivered directly to your door. Billed Quarterly, each club gives you the perfect mix of wine for you and your family. Shipments includes red wine and white wine and each club offers discounts on future purchases!

Want to taste our wines before joining the club? No problem! Enjoy individual bottles from our online wine shop.